Obamacare has set in motion a government takeover of American health care. Among other things,
the federal government will decide:
- What is and is not covered by insurance
- Where people must go to get their insurance
- The prices insurers can charge for coverage
- How doctors and hospitals should be organized for delivering services to patients
- What kind of care is “effective” and therefore should be paid for by insurance
Inevitably, the federal government will set up large and unresponsive bureaucracies to make these decisions, which is already happening, and the decisions will be made for budgetary reasons, not based on the needs of patients.
The end result will be a government-run health system that erodes the quality of medical care and forces patients
to wait for services because of low and inadequate reimbursement rates for doctors and hospitals. In the meantime, Obamacare’s spending and taxes will destroy jobs and pile massive new debts onto the shoulders of future
generations of taxpayers.
The case against Obamacare is devastating, as detailed as the links below:
There’s a better way forward on health care. Once Obamacare is fully repealed, Congress can begin work on reforms such as: