Obamacare Is Building a Massive Bureaucracy

Obamacare Is Building a Massive Bureaucracy

Obamacare is already producing massive increases in federal and state bureaucracies.

In 2008, prior to the Obama administration, the Department of Health and Human Services employed 75,400 workers.[1]

In December 2011, the department employed 84,800 people – an increase of 9,400 workers – or 12 percent – in just three years.[2] The Office of the HHS Secretary alone has increased by 3,000 workers.[3]

HHS isn’t the only part of government that is growing.  The IRS has already spent nearly $1 billion to implement Obamacare, and will spend much more in future years.[4]

[4] Government Accountability Office, “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act:  IRS Managing Implementation Risk But Its Approach Could Be Refined,” June 2012, http://gao.gov/assets/600/591566.pdf.